Applications for mixed-use task force now accepted through Nov. 8
October 25, 2024
The City of Rehoboth Beach has extended the deadline for applications to serve on its Mixed-Use Zoning Ordinance Task Force to Friday, November 8.
The Mixed-Use Zoning Ordinance Task Force will be charged with developing for the Planning Commission’s and Board of Commissioners’ consideration a code classification that clearly articulates flexible design guidelines and standards for mixed-use projects. This zoning classification would be limited to the city’s commercial district and should provide protections for nearby residential and commercial properties.
“This is a great opportunity to contribute to the Rehoboth community and to help shape how mixed commercial and residential uses can work in the city’s commercial district in a way that is consistent with Rehoboth’s small-town charm,” says Planning and Community Development Director Mary Ellen Gray.
The task force is expected to begin its work by the end of this year and meet six times over a nearly year-long period. All task force meetings will be open to the public.