City preps for another winter storm

February 10, 2025

With the forecast of the possibility of 4-8 inches of snow from tomorrow afternoon into Wednesday morning, city streets department crews are working today to pre-treat streets and sidewalks. City residents can assist by keeping the following in mind:

  • Avoid parking vehicles on streets tomorrow and Wednesday if possible to allow city crews to clear roads more effectively.
  • If a snow emergency is declared, the city manager can restrict parking on both sides and the full length of Rehoboth Avenue, Bayard Avenue, and State Road. Please be prepared to move vehicles if necessary.
  • Clearing sidewalks is the responsibility of individual residential and commercial property owners. If you can be a good Samaritan and help a neighbor out, please do so.
  • Resist the temptation to oversalt your sidewalks. Using too much salt can cause major damage to your driveway and lawn once the snow melts – not to mention it’s hard on furry paws. Please plan to sweep up the salt after the snow is melted.

Any city office closures and impacts to city services will be posted to the city’s website and on social media sites. Where appropriate, email and text alerts will be sent out to subscribers.
